Effective learning that culminates in robust national development is hardly possible without astute counselling. Choice of career, acquisition of skills for overcoming the numerous 21st-century psychosocial challenges berating adolescents and youths, inculcation of study habit techniques are within the purview of Counselling. Counselling is needed throughout life.
Dr. Dayo Odukoya has been involved in professional counselling since 1987 when he served as a Graduate Assistant in the Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Counselling Products
Seven Proofs S/he is the Right Life Partner
by Dr. Dayo Odukoya
[Counselling Material for Choice of Life Partner]
The choice of a life partner, like the choice of career, is arguably a destiny decider. It makes or mars the outcome of a person’s life on earth. Many are currently in marriage life imprisonment due to errors in the choice of life partners. This is particularly true for Christians for whom divorce is not permitted. Different people and cultures have their unique parameters for choosing life partners. Some insist the person must come from a particular tribe. Some have decided that the person must be rich or come from a wealthy family. Yet another person is bent on the parameter of beauty or handsomeness. Some say s/he must be slim and tall, while another says s/he must be plump and full in the right places. Different strokes, right? One person’s food is clearly another person’s poison.
Four Types of Love
While on the subject of love, it is important you know there are four kinds of love: agape, philia, storge and eros.
To learn more ...
Click this link to download the free e-Book:
7 Proofs S/he is the Right Life Partner
The Making of a Talent
by Dr. Dayo Odukoya
Counselling material to help people discover, develop, and effectively deploy their gifts and talents.
This is a hard copy book - Place an order via the Contact Us tab on the Home Page
Do You Need Counselling on any Bugging Issue of Life?
Contact Dr. Dayo Odukoya via the Contact Us tab on the Home Page
Please complete these two Psychological Diagnostic Tools first. Your response to these scales will be needed during counselling. You will get instant reports as you complete the scales.
Students Challenges Checklist
Emotional Intelligence Scale
Note: Click the back tab to come back to this page
Developing Emotional Intelligence for Better Life and Productivity
Basically, Emotional Intelligence
[EI] is the ability to correctly discern/label the emotions running
through us & in people we interact with per time and understanding
how to control such emotions to engender peace, wellbeing &
productivity. Emotional Intelligence [EI] is a term
created by two researchers – Peter Salovey and John Mayer – and popularized by
Dan Goleman in his 1996 book titled Emotional
EI is ability to recognize,
understand and manage our own emotions and the emotions of others. This is what this short course is all about - learning enhances our Emotional Intelligence. Emotions are powerful reinforcers that work to crystallize our attitudes and ultimately our behaviours. Consequently, our emotions indirectly determine the quality of our decisions, learning acumen, health,
relationships, and ultimately our overall wellness and productivity. A
number of psychosomatic illnesses like hypertension, insomnia [etc] have their roots in low emotional intelligence. The key, after awareness, is to learn how to eliminate our negative emotions whilst building positive emotions in us and in people around us. This is what makes for
a peaceful and loving world - a world that is prone to sustainable productivity and development. This is what creates the ambience of heaven on earth. Developing our EI is a task that must be done!
Helping participants
- have a better understanding of the concept of emotion and emotional intelligence.
- develop an awareness of the emotions ignited in us as we interact with our biotic and abiotic environment
- develop an awareness of the emotions we ignite in people around in the course of interactions [via our verbal and non-verbal cues]
- develop a better understanding of how to manage our emotions for enhanced wellbeing and productivity
- develop a better understanding of how to manage the emotions in people we interact with, to enhance their wellbeing and productivity.
- have a better understanding of how to literally create the ambience of ‘heaven on earth’.
Every literate person, anywhere in the world, that desire to live a fulfilled life.
BENEFITS (Why you should subscribe)
- Peace
- Joy
- Enhanced energy level
- Confidence
- Unending Inspiration & Insights
- Creativity & Witty Inventions
- Enhanced Productivity
- Enhanced wellbeing
Dr. Jonathan A. Odukoya [Educational Psychologist & Psychometrician]
- Administration of Quick EI Checklist; Productivity level; and Vital Health Statistic [Pre & Post]
- Administration of Full EI Scale [if need be - based of result of the QEIC]
- General knowledge on Concept of Man, Human Mind/Brain, Emotion, EI and how they affect learning, decisions, relationship, wellbeing and productivity.
- General Knowledge of REBT and its application
- Sample applications of REBT
- Addressing Participants Emotional Weaknesses as revealed by the EI scales [under Group and Personal Counselling
- Practical application of knowledge of EI to enhance Productivity [Personally, in Sc and in the Workplace
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